
Taking the E-Learning Course

Taking the E-Learning Course

  1. The students must complete the modules within the allowable period.
  2. Students are advised to take the modules in sequential order, that is, complete Module 1 before trying Module 2 and so on.
  3. Every module is composed of a video lecture, textbook review, assignment, and one quiz, as applicable.
  4. In each module, students are encouraged to take their time in completing the quiz and assignment. Look over the “PDF textbook” to shorten the time required in completing the assignment.
  5. To prevent loss of data, upload your electronic files into your account after completing the assignments and teacher diary entries. Students should download/use the “Assignment Packages (MS Word files)” provided on the website.
  6. An email on the result of quizzes and/or assignments will be sent to the students. Regularly check your email account for these results. Please review the results, and if you have any questions, feel free to send us any comments.